Teaching Good Habits Early: Improving Children’s Dental Health
Children who develop strong dental habits in their childhood are much more likely to have healthy teeth as they grow up. That’s why its crucial that you instill excellent oral care habits in your child while they are young. Today, we are going to go over five tips to keep your child’s pearly whites clean and healthy.
Develop A Consistent Schedule
Children do best whenever they have a structured, consistent schedule that they can stick to every day. The same goes for oral care. We recommend that you establish a routine such as the following:
After Breakfast: Help your child brush their teeth for around one to one and a half minutes.
Before Bed: First, help your child floss their teeth, then brush for one to one and a half minutes. If your child is aged six or above, you should also consider using a mouthwash. Just make sure that you supervise, so they don’t swallow it.
Start Brushing Early
Unfortunately, many children develop cavities at a young age. That is why it’s critical to start brushing early. You can begin this process when your child first develops their baby teeth. Use an infant toothbrush and infant toothpaste that is safe. This will help to make brushing your child’s teeth an everyday habit.
Take Your Child To The Dentist At A Young Age
Many young children are frightened by the dentist. If you are able to take your child to a dentist in Los Angeles at a young age, it will help them feel more comfortable at the dentist, while also keeping your child’s teeth healthy. We recommend that your child take at least two trips annually to the dentist.
Don’t Let Your Child Eat Junk Food
It seems like an obvious point, however this is one of the most common problems that we see. Children eat way too much sugar and sticky food, causing plaque, cavities and in some occasions serious tooth decay. It is best to teach your child healthy eating habits that limit the intake of treats and sugar.
Teach Your Child The Correct Brushing Technique
All children are curious to learn; especially from their parents. That is why we advise that you take a leadership role in demonstrating to your child how to brush their teeth. This includes flossing, brushing for at least one minute, and brushing the front and back of each tooth. As an … Read the rest