When You Are Experiencing Pressure in Your Eyes

Perhaps you have been experiencing some pressure in your eyes, which could be an indication that you may be in need of glaucoma treatment at Castle Rock. Thus, if you have been experiencing some pressure in your eyes, you should not delay in getting this condition checked out by a professional and caring eye specialist at ….. The eye specialist will take the careful time that is necessary to conduct a thorough review of your particular medical history. Then the eye specialist will proceed to perform an eye examination that is comprehensive.
When you indicate to the eye specialist that you are experiencing pressure in your eyes, it is normal for the eye specialist to conduct a measurement of the intraocular pressure of your eyes. This type of examination is referred to as a tonometry. Then the eye specialist will desire to conduct a test in regard to any damage that may have been experienced by the optic nerve of your eyes, which is conducted via the usage of imaging tests as well as a dilated eye examination. Moreover, there will often be the performing of a field test which will indicate if there are areas where there is the presence of vision loss. Furthermore, the eye specialist will likely desire to conduct a measurement of the thickness of the corneas of the eyes, which is noted as being a pachymetry. Then it is also a good idea for the eye specialist to conduct an inspection of the drainage angle, which is regarded as a gonioscopy.
It is vital for you to seek glaucoma treatment Castle Rock if you have been previously diagnosed by a specialist in regard to glaucoma. This is due to the fact that the damage that happens to your eyes as a result of having glaucoma cannot experience any reversal. However, the fact is that though this is the case, you can help to slow down the loss of your vision or even prevent the loss of your vision when you have regular checkups and when you have regular glaucoma treatment Castle Rock. This is based on the fact that your glaucoma can be treated in such a manner that the pressure of your eyes can be lowered. Based on your particular scenario, the form of treatment may incorporate the usage of oral medications, prescription eye drops or laser applications. In some cases, there may be a combination of these types of treatments. Or there may be a need for surgery in the case of glaucoma is severe.